the flora

Watch your step! Despite their resilience, the plant life here and in Smith Rock State Park, can take years to recover once disturbed. These wild grasses, colorful flowers, and hearty natives thrive in an environment with less than eight inches of rainfall annually.

Unique Plant Species:

A multitude of plant species are found here as well as in the park, such as sagebrush, juniper trees, and various wildflowers. Their adaptations to the arid climate are testiment to their resiliency but they still need our help. Stay on marked paths and leave no trace.

  • Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). A dominant shrub adapted to dry conditions with deep roots.

  • Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis). A hardy tree providing shelter and food for wildlife.

  • Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata). Bright yellow flowers blooming in spring, a key pollinator plant.

Riparian Habitat:

The Crooked River provides an important riparian habitat - lands that occur along the edges of rivers, streams, lakes, and other water bodies - by supporting diverse plant life and providing crucial resources for wildlife.

Vegetation along the Crooked River includes willows, cottonwoods, and sedges. Riparian zones are critical for preventing erosion and supporting aquatic life. These areas offer important nesting sites for birds and habitat for amphibians.

Plants like bitterroot and camas were harvested for food, while animals such as deer and rabbits provided sustenance to the Native Americans that occupied these lands for thousands of years.

Traditional knowledge of plant and animal behavior have guided seasonal migrations and land management practices.

Invasive Species:

Invasive plant species in the park pose an ongoing challenge and efforts to manage and restore native habitats include manual removal, controlled burns, and reseeding with native plants.

  • Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). An invasive grass that increases fire risk and outcompetes native plants.

  • Russian Thistle (Salsola tragus). Commonly known as tumbleweed, it spreads quickly and disrupts ecosystems.